Marketing & Recruitment

Whether you are recruiting partners or participants, funders or trainers, strong marketing materials are indispensable. We’ve gathered some of the highlights from our EBLC member programs and shared them with you here. 

As a reminder, before you develop your marketing materials, you will need to make sure you address the following:

  • Target Audience: At whom (what target market) are you aiming this marketing item?
  • Primary Purpose: What is the primary purpose of your item?
  • Primary Benefit: What unique benefit can you offer? What primary customer need can your program meet?
  • Audience Reaction: What response do you want from your audience?
  • Organization Personality: What image do you want to convey?
        (Adapted from “Developing Effective Marketing Materials: Brochure Design Considerations” Amy D. Ladd Center for Profitable Agriculture, University of Tennessee)

EBLC member sample program marketing materials:

Other Resources:
